Back to the past

Last time we rightly concluded that our current solution for ensuring that the alignment requirement of an optional<T>s value is met for all Ts is quite a hack and suboptimal. We can resolve this hack by splitting up the problem of providing correctly aligned storage into two different problems:

  1. Retrieving the alignment of a given type ‘T’.
  2. Providing correctly aligned storage for a given alignment.

Retrieve the alignment of T

Two of the alignment rules can help us here:

  1. structs inherit the alignment requirements of their member with the largest alignment requirement.
  2. For structs the compiler may add padding bytes between successive members in order to ensure that their alignment requirements of all members are met.

Let’s have a look at the following:

template <typename T>
struct alignment_probe {
  bool x;
  T probee;

This struct will always inherit Ts alignment requirements and will the compiler will make sure that T is properly aligned within the struct. The C++ Standard tells us, that a types alignment is the number of bytes, between successive addresses in memory at which objects of this type may take place. The address of alignment_prove<T> will always be a valid address for T, too, as it inherits Ts alignment requirements. probee must be placed at the next successive address at which T be allocated in order to ensure that Ts alignment requirements are met. The figure below should make this more clear: it shows the placement of alignment_probe<T> and it’s members including the additional padding bytes between them.

probe image

Based on all that we can conclude: that the alignment of T is exactly the number of bytes between the first byte of alignment_probe<T> and alignment_probe<T>::probee. With the help of the figure above we can also see rather quickly that this number of bytes is exactly the difference of sizeof(alignment_probie<T>) and sizeof(T).

Using this knowledge we can now define a meta function which will return the alignment of a given type:

template <typename T>
struct alignment_of {
  static const std::size_t value = sizeof(alignment_probe<T>) - sizeof(T);

Note: We are entering the field of template meta programming (TMP) now. In order to get a bit more familiar with what TMP (and a meta function in particular) is, please refer to this introductory talk by Walter E. Brown.

So with alignemnt_of<T>::value we have already archived the first step! So let’s move on to the second part.

Provide correctly aligned storage

From the alignment rules we know that (in C++98 and C++03) all possible alignments are provided by build-in types; there is now way in standard C++ to introduce other alignment requirements. This means that we need to map “alignments” (which is a number of bytes) to build-in types.

We will now implement

  1. implement meta function called type_with_alignment<T>::type which maps “alignments” to build-in types and
  2. implement template class called aligned_storage<Size, Alignment> which provides storage of a given size and which fulfills the given alignment requirements.

Implement type_with_alignment<T>::type

For implementing type_with_alignment<T> we will use template speciallization. We will start with a rather simple class template, which will provide max_align_t as the default type.

template <std::size_t N>
struct type_with_alignment {
  typedef max_align_t type;

While doing that we don’t make anything wrong in the sense that max_align_t will always provide proper alignment for any other type; it might only impose to strict alignment requirements on the storage. For smaller requirements than sizeof(max_align_t) we need to provide special cases. Now class template specialization comes in handy.

We will start with the special case for the alignment “4 bytes” which should lead to int as the resulting type.

template <>
struct type_with_alignment<4> {
  typedef std::int type;

This is actually a good example to showcase what (full) template specialization is about: providing diverging implementations for specific parameters; in our case for specific values of N. We can recognize a (full) template specialization by template <>. The specific parameter (4 in our case) is placed right after the name of the type: type_with_alignment<4>. If now type_with_alignment<4> is used anywhere this specialization is picked over the actual template implementation.

Now we need such specializations for each power of two from 1 to sizeof(max_align_t) (remember that only powers of two are valid values for alignment requirements). For each of these values we need to provide a built-in type which has this exact alignment.

Alignment Built-in Type
1 char
2 short
4 int
8 long

It makes sense to choose the fixed size integer aliases here, because for types such as int or long, the standard does not define their size precisely. The implementation of type_with_alignment<N> with all of its specializations looks now like this:

template <std::size_t N>
struct type_with_alignment {
  typedef max_align_t type;

template <>                                          \
struct type_with_alignment<alignment_of<char>::value> {
  typedef char type; 

template <>                                          \
struct type_with_alignment<alignment_of<short>::value> {
  typedef short type; 

template <>                                          \
struct type_with_alignment<alignment_of<int>::value> {
  typedef int type; 

template <>                                          \
struct type_with_alignment<alignment_of<long>::value> {
  typedef long type; 

Implement aligned_storage<Size, Alignment>

aligned_storage<Size, Alignment> needs to provide storage of size Size and with an alignment of Alignment. The storage can be provided by a array of chars; the alignment can be provided by adding a member of type type_with_alignment<Alignment>::type. As we only need the size of the former and the alignment of the latter, it makes sense to put them both into a union.

template <std::size_t Size,
          std::size_t Alignment = alignment_of<max_align_t>::value>
struct aligned_storage {
  union type {
    char mStorage[Size];
    typename type_with_alignment<Alignment>::type mAlignmentDummy;

Fix optional

With this two new facilities we can now fix up our optional.

template <typename T>
class optional {
 /// ...
  /// ...
  aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignment_of<T>::value> mBuffer;

  void constructValue(const T& other) {
    new (&mBuffer.mStorage) T(other);

  void destructValue() {


In this post our C++98 optional finally reached “feature parity” with out C++11 base implementation of optional, we had before. At first we had to find an alternative to unrestricted unions; the we had to fix the deficiencies of this first C++98 based implementation with read to alignment alignment, which took us two post to get – at least somewhat – right.

We had to come up with our own facilities to ensure that our optional is properly aligned for every T. It turns out that retrieving the alignment of types and providing aligned storage are both issues which come up quiet regularly. This is the reason, why both facilities have been present in boost for some time and finally ended up being part of the standard library in C++11.

Implementation retrieve alignment provide alignment
Our Implementation alignment_of<T>::value aligned_storage<S, A>
C++11 library std::alignment_of<T>::value std::aligned_storage<S, A>
boost.type_traits boost::alignment_of<T>::value boost::aligned_storage<S, A>
C++11 language feature alignof(T) alignas(A) char mChar[S]

A look at the implementation of boost::aligment_of and boost::type_with_alignment shows us the reason, why language features have been added for both of these cases: both of them have little traps to consider - our implementation is a bit too simple with this regard. For example there should be special cases for void and pointers/references in the case of alignment_of. Also, it seems to be possible, that the size of alignment_probe maybe any multiple of the alignment of T, which is unfortunate. Boost has a special check for that, but I have chosen to ignore this case for the sake of simplicity.

But there is more: alignas allows to specify arbitrary powers of two as the alignment of a type or expression. Such an over-aligned type won’t with a library-only implementation of alignment_of. The language feature alignof is needed here. This is also the reason why std::alignment_of is usually implemented in terms of alignment_of.

Given these limitations our optional (as it is right now) should be only used in a C++98 environment – or in a C++11 and above environment very carefully. Note that even if our implementation of alignment_of won’t determine the correct alignment of T, it should always overestimate the alignment. The resulting optional will be correctly aligned but maybe to large. This only applies though for types, which are smaller than sizeof(max_align_t).

Regardless of these remarks: we now can move on with our implementation efforts using C++98 and explore, what we can archive to implement in this rather old C++ standard - in the upcoming post.