Back to the past

After finishing the ground work we can now focus on the crucial parts, we need to change in order to become compliant with C++98: we must replace the (unrestricted) union with something else. Therefore we need to touch ever line of code which takes advantage of the union.

template <typename T>
class optional {
  const T& operator*() const {
    return mValue;

  T& operator*() {
    return mValue;

  struct NoValue {};
  union {
    NoValue mNoValue;
    T mValue;

  void constructValue(const T& other) {
    new (&mValue) T(other);

  void destructValue() {

But how can we get rid of the union?. We needed to union in the first place to avoid the construction of T in the case of an optional without a value and to enable the use of types without a default destructor. So the basic issue was, that we needed more fine grained control of the lifetime of mValue – the stored value. The lifetime of any object begins basically after initialization has been completed (e.g. by calling the constructor) and as soon as the destructor is called. This means that we can control an objects lifetime by calling constructor and destructor. We can see above, that we are basically doing this already: we call the constructor using placement new operator in constructValue and the destructor in destructValue. In the constructValue function mValue serves as storage to the placement new operator which then will create the object at this storage location.

The placement new operator is actually not limited to unions as storage providers, we can basically pass any (almost – we’ll get back to that) memory location , which provides enough memory to store a object of the desired type in it, to the placement new operator. This includes e.g. an array of chars. This comes in quite handy, as a char is exactly one byte large, meaning, that we can easily create an array of chars which is exactly as big as we need it to be.

char mBuffer[sizeof(T)];

Just in case you didn’t know it already: sizeof returns the size of the given type in bytes.

Therefore we can replace the union with mBuffer as a first step. Now we just need a way to access the object, which is stored in the memory provided by mBuffer. This can be done with reinterpret_cast. Beside other things, reinterpret_cast can be used to convert a pointer to any other pointer type; hence we can use it to convert &mBuffer to T*, just like this.

char mBuffer[sizeof(T)];
new(&mBuffer) T();
T* ptr = retinterpret_cast<T*>(&mBuffer);

With this tools at hand, we now can adapt our optional – anticipating the transition to C++98 – by

  1. Replacing mValue and the union definition with the array ofchars mBuffer and
  2. Migrating each access to T to the respective reinterpret_cast.
template <typename T>
class optional {
  const T& operator*() const {
    return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&mBuffer);

  T& operator*() {
    return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&mBuffer);

  char mBuffer[sizeof(T)];

  void constructValue(const T& other) {
    new (&mBuffer) T(other);

  void destructValue() {

Note, that we had to cast &mBuffer to const T* in the const-version of the *-operator. This is necessary because reinterpret_cast can not “cast away” the const; in this version of the *-operator mBuffer – and therefore &mBuffer – is const, so we can only cast it to const T*. This is one of the advantages of C++-style casts over c-style casts: they circumvent only parts of the type system, not all of it.

With these changes, we now can go back to C++98 by adapting CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD in the CMakeLists.txt accordingly.


Our tests will compile and succeed. Are we already done?

Actually we aren’t. Our current implementation relies on undefined behaviour. And the underlying issue is all about alignment.

Data alignment

What exactly is alignment? The C++ says:

Object types have alignment requirements which place restrictions on the addresses at which an object of that type may be allocated. An alignment is an implementation-defined integer value representing the number of bytes between successive addresses at which a given object can be allocated. An object type imposes an alignment requirement on every object of that type.

In C++ objects can not be placed anywhere in memory on any arbitrary address; each type can only be placed at certain addresses in memory which are defined by the alignment requirements of the respective types. The Standard defines the alignment of a type as the “number of bytes between successive addresses at which a given object can be allocated”. This usually means (at least on most modern platforms) that a object can only be placed at addresses which are an integer multiple of its alignment.

“Ok, but why is there such a thing as alignment at all?”, you may ask. Well, there are several reasons, but for us the most important may be, that there are platforms which can access values in memory faster if they are aligned (they are placed at a memory locations which is a multiple of their alignment). On x86 this might (at least on modern CPU) not be an issue, but on some ARM platform, it will. Actually, there are some instructions on x86, which rely on the alignment of their operands, so alignment might even be an issue in x86. We’ll get back to that.

Alignment requirements are important for build-in types such as int or float. Processors have special instructions to deal with values of these types efficiently. These operations often require their operands to be aligned. The alignment of build-in types is identical with their size, meaning that e.g. a float (sizeof(float) is 4) must be 4 bytes aligned.

The compiler must ensure that all build-in types (fundamental types as well as pointer types and references) are placed at locations matching the respective alignment requirements, if they are placed in static memory (basically global variables of all kinds) or on the stack. Note the alignment of dynamic memory can not be controlled by the compiler as dynamic allocation is done by library functions like malloc or the new-operator; these functions must provide properly aligned memory (we’ll get back to that).

But there are not only build-in types, there are also “composed types” (not a standard’s term!) which are composed out of other types. These types are structs,classes, unions and arrays. For these types, the compiler must make sure, that each of it’s members is always (under all circumstances) aligned properly. In case of arrays this can be easily achieved by imposing the exact same alignment requirements on the array as on it’s elements.

For unions this is not that easy: a union may have members with differing alignment requirements. At this point, a particular property of all alignment requirements comes in handy: all alignment requirements are a power of two. This implies, that given two alignment requirements the larger one of them will always be an integer multiple of the smaller one. If an address is aligned according to the larger alignment requirement, it will also be aligned according to smaller alignment requirements. For unions this means, that they will be aligned properly for all their members if the union inherits the alignment requirements of the member with the largest alignment requirement.

structs and classes need an additional technique to ensure the alignment requirements of their members. We need to take into account here that the order in which the members of a class in memory must be exactly the same as in it’s definition, so there is now room for the compiler to reorder them. But it may add padding bytes. The compiler is allowed to place “unused bytes” between the members of a class in order to ensure the alignment requirements of each member (An instructive example can he found here.

Note, that the addition of padding bytes will (obviously) increase the size of the class. In many cases the size of a class will be larger than the sum of it’s members.

Alignment Rule Wrap Up

Let’s wrap up the rules of alignment in C++98.

  1. Every object (everything in memory) has alignment requirements, which are integer values and a power of two.
  2. “Build-in types” such as fundamental types (except void), all pointer and reference types are aligned by their size.
  3. Arrays inherit their alignment requirements form their elements.
  4. structs, classes and unions inherit the alignment requirements of their member with the largest alignment requirement.
  5. For structs/classs the compiler may add padding bytes between successive members in order to ensure that their alignment requirements of all members are met.
  6. By applying these rules the alignment of each type compliant with the C++ Standard can be determined (in C++98).

Note that these rules imply, that there is a maximum alignment requirement defined by the largest “build-in type”. This is true only for C++98 and C++03 though. C++11 added a specific keyword alignas with which the alignment of a type or variable can be specified explicitly. With this keyword larger alignments are possible. This is referred to as overalignment.

Please note, that I do not claim to be an expert on alignment. If someone finds an issue with these rules, please let me know, so that I can fix this post.

Alignment by Example

Our optional can provide us here a nice example. Let’s go back to our starting point.

#include <iostream>

struct optional_unsigned_int {
    bool mIsSet;
    unsigned int mValue;

int main() {
    std::cout << "sizeof(optional_unsigned_int) == "
              << sizeof(optional_unsigned_int) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeof(bool) + sizeof(unsigned int) == "
              << sizeof(bool) + sizeof(unsigned int) << std::endl;

If we execute this code, we’ll see, that the size of optional_unsigned_int is 8 while the sum of it’s member’s sizes is 5. The reason for that is, that the compiler added 3 padding bytes between mIsSet and mValue in order to make sure, that mValue is always 4 byte aligned.

Now let’s make the same test with an memory layout equivalent struct to our modified optional implementation.

#include <iostream>

struct optional_unsigned_int {
    bool mIsSet;
    char mValue[sizeof(unsigned int)];

int main() {
    std::cout << "sizeof(optional_unsigned_int) == "
              << sizeof(optional_unsigned_int) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeof(bool) + sizeof(unsigned int) == "
              << sizeof(bool) + sizeof(unsigned int) << std::endl;

If we now execute this code, we’ll see that now the size of optional_unsigned_int is 5. The compiler didn’t add any padding bytes. The reason for that is, that mValue now is an array of chars. chars only need to be 1 byte aligned. As arrays inherit the alignment requirements of their elements, the array also only needs to be 1 byte aligned. A 1 byte aligned object can be placed anywhere in memory, so there is no need to add additional padding bytes here.

The issues with our naive implementation

The example above pretty much shows already, what the issue with our new C++98 implementation may be: in almost all cases mBuffer will not be aligned properly, as it is just an array of chars. Even for types such as float and int it will not match their alignment requirements. It is undefined behaviour to supplying an unaligned address to placement-new, but we just did it. The only reason why our tests didn’t fail is that we ran the tests on a x84 machine (at least I did so), which can deal with unaligned memory access, and a GCC version, which generated “working code” for our tests. As we invoked undefined behavior here, the compiler wasn’t even required to generated any code here. It just did it more or less out of mere luck.

Was there any chance we could have encountered the issue at some point in time? Actually there is a way we could have detected the issue with our current test suite: by using sanitizers. GCC’s undefined behavior sanitizer can detect several cases of undefined behavior during runtime by augmenting the binary with additional checks – and one of these checks is about alignment issues. We can enable the undefined behavior sanitizer we need to rerun cmake like this:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=undefined

After recompiling and running the tests we will get quite a view runtimer errors looking like this:

/usr/include/c++/9/bits/vector.tcc:232:24: runtime error: member access within misaligned address 0x7ffeb5d7cd11 for type 'struct vector', which requires 8 byte alignment
0x7ffeb5d7cd11: note: pointer points here
 00 00 00  01 10 0b 57 e1 b0 55 00  00 18 0b 57 e1 b0 55 00  00 18 0b 57 e1 b0 55 00  00 00 00 00 00

A somewhat practical example

In order to show you, that alignment issues may have serious consequences even on x86, I’d like to show you this somewhat contrived but instructive example.

#include <new>

struct Vector4i {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;
    int w;
    long double xx;

class bad_optional {
    bool mHasValue;
    char mBuffer[sizeof(Vector4i)];

    bad_optional(const Vector4i& v) : mHasValue(true) {
        new (&mBuffer) Vector4i(v);
    const Vector4i& value() const {
        return *reinterpret_cast<const Vector4i*>(&mBuffer);

int main() {
    const Vector4i v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    const bad_optional bv(v);

If we compile this program with the flags -O1 -msse4.2 -fno-inline using GCC and run it, we will get a segmentation fault. (Link to Compiler Explorer; please note, that Program returned: 139 means, that the program segfaulted)

This happens because GCC uses a specific instruction to copy Vector4i: MOVDQA. This instruction can move four integers (32-bit) at once, if they are 128-bit aligned. Vector4i is supposed to be 128-bit (because of its long double member) aligned and contains four integers, so the compiler is actually allowed to do that. Unfortunately mBuffer is not 128-bit aligned. The documentation of MOVDQA states clearly, that ins such a case a general proctection exection is thrown, which will result in a segfault under Linux.

Actually this example is probably not that contrived: it turns out, that we can encounter similar issues , if we use Eigen::Vector4i which is provided by the popular linear algebra library Eigen.

Fixing the alignment with an workaround

So, how can we fix our optional then? First of all, we need to go back to alignment rules above. In general we can identify two cases here: a type is

  • either “composed” like structs, classes, unions and arrays – these types inherit their alignment from their members –
  • or “build-in”, which means that it’s alignment is defined by it’s size.

As all pointer types have the same size, the set of different alignment requirements is finite. Therefore there must be a maximal alignment requirement, which then would be suitable for each and every standard compliant type.

Beside this chain of arguments, there must be such a maximum alignment requirement, simply because of std::malloc. malloc just returns a void pointer – it does not know the type which the allocated memory is supposed to be used for. As we can pass the return value of malloc to the placement-new operator, the allocated memory must be aligned in a way which fits for each an every type. The cppreference documentation of std::malloc says exactly that:

If allocation succeeds, returns a pointer to the lowest (first) byte in the allocated memory block that is suitably aligned for any scalar type (at least as strictly as std::max_align_t).

So there is not only a maximum alignment requirement, there is actually a type std::max_align_t, which is defined to have the most strict alignment requirements possible. Unfortunately it has been introduced in C++11, which we can not use here.

But we can implement something similar on our own. We already know, that a union always inherits it’s alignment requirements from the member with the most strict alignment requirements. Therefore we can implement std::max_align_t using a union which has a member for each “build-in” type.

union max_align_t {
  long long ll;
  long double ld;

This list of types is not comprehensive, but it should fit our needs:

  • long long is the largest integer type on all platforms (64 bit, long might have the same size, but no other integer type is larger).
  • long long will be at least as large as the processors register width, so there should not be any need for adding any pointer types here.
  • long double is the largest floating point (either 128 or 64 bit).

If we have a sneak peek on GCCs implementation we see, that we are actually not far off of it. I suppse that we got as far as one may get in Standard C++ without using compiler intrinsics.

We can now use this max_align_t to fix the alignment of mBuffer: we put them both together in a union.

template <typename T>
class optional {
  union max_align_t {
    long long ll;
    long double ld;

  union {
    char mBuffer[sizeof(T)];
    max_align_t mDummy;

The union will inherit the alignment requirements of max_align_t and therefore mBuffer will always fulfill the alignment requirements of max_align_t, too. As this is the maximal possible alignment for all types (in C++98), it will suffice for each and every T we might come up with. Our tests will succeed without any issues – even if we enable the undefined behavior sanitizer. Even our example above will work, if we adapt if accordingly.


Ok, this was probably the most complex post so far: we had to deal with data alignment and it’s rules. We had to understand C++’s alignment rules and how they affect our code – especially with respect to undefined behavior. But finally we could derive a suitable solution for the problem at hand: we made sure, that the alignment requirements for all Ts are met.

But I already called this solution a hack and I did it for a reason. With this solution, any optional<T> will always be sizeof(max_align_t) * 2 bytes large. On x86, this will usually be 32 bytes! In many cases, this is quite wasteful. A struct containing a bool and a int is only 8 bytes large.

Therefore we will try to come up with another solution in the upcoming post.