A matter of const

optional provides – naturally – access to the value it stores. We have multiple ways to do so, but they all lack one capability.

Let’s say, we store a std::vector<int> in our optional and we want to push a value in it.

optional<std::vector<int>> vs;

This code won’t compile. The error message will look basically like this:

passing ‘const std::vector<int>’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers

We have seen such an error before. The issue is, that the -> operator returns a pointer to a const T – in this case a const std::vector<int>. We then try to call push_back on this object, which is rejected, because push_back is not a const member function.

This means that, if we want to be able to write code as done above, we will need to provide mutable access to an optional’s value. So we need to provide non-const versions of

  • value()
  • the * operator and
  • the -> operator.

Adding the tests

Creating a suitable test is pretty straight forward:

TEST_CASE("An non-const optional's value can be mutated.") {
  struct A {
    unsigned int x;
  A anyValue = {10};
  optional<A> x(anyValue);
  A anyOtherValue = {5};
  SECTION("value()") {
    x.value() = anyOtherValue;
  SECTION("*-operator") {
    *x = anyOtherValue;
  SECTION("->-operator") {
    x->x = anyOtherValue.x;
  REQUIRE(x->x == anyOtherValue.x);

catch’s SECTIONs come in quite handy here. Each of the SECTIONs we introduced here are executed independently although they share the same setup and assertion code.

Adding mutable access

The implementation is rather simple, too: we basically can copy the const versions of the accessor member functions and operators and remove the const qualifiers from the signature.

template <typename T>
class optional {
  const T& value() const {
    if (not mHasValue) {
      throw bad_optional_access();
    return mValue;

  T& value() {
    if (not mHasValue) {
      throw bad_optional_access();
    return mValue;

  const T& operator*() const {
    return mValue;

  T& operator*() {
    return mValue;

  const T* operator->() const {
    return &mValue;

  T* operator->() {
    return &mValue;

This is enough to make the new test pass. It is not that nice though that we have to repeat ourselfs that much. For the operators it is not that bad after all, but for value() it is just ridiculous. Luckily we can help ourselfs by introducing a little helper function.

template <typename T>
class optional {
  const T& value() const {
    return mValue;

  T& value() {
    return mValue;
  void throwInCaseOfBadAccess() const {
    if (not mHasValue) {
      throw bad_optional_access();


With these changes our optional can now finally be mutated via value(), * and ->. This is great, as it allows for many more use cases. Additionally it should not be on us – library implementers – to decide whether is should be allowed for a used to change the value of an optional of not. With this solution, the user can make this decision on it’s own simply but putting a const on the respective optional or not.