Widening our view

Since at least our last post we’ve implemented a pretty decent optional! But what if I told you, that even C had already some kind of optional? But let’s take a step back! What makes an optional an optional?

  1. It either contains a value or nothing.
  2. We can query an optional whether it contains a value or not.
  3. We can retrieve the value if there is any.

Turns out: a ordinary pointer just like in C has exactly these properties:

  1. A pointer either points to an value or is the null pointer.
  2. We can query a pointer either
    • by comparing it to the null pointer or
    • by converting it to a boolean.
  3. We can retrieve the value by dereferencing the pointer (if it is not the null pointer).

Using a pointer as some kind of optional is actually quite common. For example std::stoi is declared like this:

int stoi( const std::string& str, std::size_t* pos = nullptr, int base = 10 );

Please note, that pos is a pointer, which is defaulted to the null pointer. pos is in fact an optional out parameter: it well store the number of characters, it processed in the value the pointer points to, if there is any. In case, you as an caller of this function don’t want to use this feature, you can just pass an null pointer and everything will work out.

std::fopen does something similar: it uses a pointer as it’s return type:

std::FILE* fopen( const char* filename, const char* mode );

std::fopen will return the null pointer if it could not open the file. This makes totally sense: if the file could not be opened, what else should std::fopen return than nothing?

A third quite popular use case for optional-like pointers is lazy initilialization of class members. Let’s assume, that we wanted to implement a class with a member, which could not be initialized reasonably in the constructor; maybe we need to do the initialization later on (maybe this doesn’t happen to often). Especially in older (pre C++11) code bases, you might find a solution for this problem which basically looks like this:

class ClassWithLazyInitializedMember {
      : mLazyMember(NULL) {}

    ~ClassWithLazyInitializedMember() {
      delete mLazyMember;

    void initialize() {
       mLazyMember = new LazyObject();
    LazyObject mLazyMember;

In newer code bases (C++11 and later) this solution might be implemented using a std::unique_ptr, but the basic idea is the same: as we can not initialize LazyObject in the constructor, we only initialize a pointer to LazyObject there. The initialization of LazyObject is done later on in the initialize() member function.

This solution will work but it has some issues:

  1. It uses the heap no matter if it make sense or not, which is quite wasteful.
  2. ClassWithLazyInitializedMember can not be copied anymore. In the solution above, this is because we had to provide a user defined destructor. If we’d use std::unique_ptr, it couldn’t be copied, because std::unique_ptr can not be copied. (A std::shared_ptr could be copied, but that would be only a shallow copy). In each of these cases we would need to implement the copy operations in order to make the class regular.

In such a case using a optional would often be a better solution.

class ClassWithLazyInitializedMember {
    void initialize() {
       mLazyMember = LazyObject();
    optional<LazyObject> mLazyMember;

By using optional we can archive basically the same behavior as with the pointer based solution. But additionally

  1. We don’t need to use the heap anymore.
  2. ClassWithLazyInitializedMember is now regular because optional<LazyObject> is regular if LazyObject is regular.

These three examples (hopefully) could illustrate, how pointers are used as optional-like types. This holds true not only for raw pointers (like int *x) but also for smart pointers like std::unique_ptr<int> or std::shared_ptr<int>. As of now they have at least one advantage over our optional: their terse syntax.

operation optional<AnyStruct> AnyStruct*
Check for value x.value() *x
access value if (x.has_value()) if (x)
access member of value x.value().f() x->f()

It would be nice though, if these “optional-like types” would have a common syntax for these operations. It would also make our optional a much better drop-in replacement for pointers. Thankfully C++ offers the appropriate facilities for our optional to adopt this syntax.

Test the new Syntax

Implementing the required tests for the new syntax is really straight forward: we can basically reuse existing test cases and replace value() and has_value() with the new syntax.

TEST_CASE("An default constructed optional converts to 'false'.") {
  const optional_unsigned_int x;

TEST_CASE("An optional constructed with a value converts to 'true'.") {
  unsigned int anyValue = 10;
  const optional_unsigned_int x(anyValue);

TEST_CASE("An optional constructed with a value can be dereferenced.") {
  unsigned int anyValue = 10;
  const optional_unsigned_int x(anyValue);
  REQUIRE(*x == anyValue);

TEST_CASE("An optional constructed with a value can access members directly.") {
  struct A {
    unsigned int x;
  unsigned int anyValue = 10;
  A anyStructValue = {anyValue};
  const optional<A> a(anyStructValue);
  REQUIRE(a->x == anyValue);

Only for the -> operator we need to introduce a struct (or a class) with a member, we can acces in the test.


The actuall implementation is equally straigh forward as our new “methods” are basically simple getter functions. The only tricky part is in the syntax for overloading these operators.

template <typename T>
class optional {
  explicit operator bool() const {
    return mHasValue;

  const T& operator*() const {
    return mValue;

  const T* operator->() const {
    return &mValue;

There are a few things to note here:

  1. Overloading the dereferencing operator (*x) is actually not that hard: the implementation is exactly the same as of value() – only value has been replaced with operator*.
  2. The return value of the -> operator has the restriction, that itself must support the -> as well. Using a pointer does exactly that by remaining the closest fit to a reference.
  3. The syntax of the “conversion to bool” operator is a bit odd: in order to avoid ambiguity with function call operator it’s return value is written after the operator keyword (instead of before it like usually). We additionally needed to make the conversion explicit in order to avoid unintended conversion to integers. C++’s implicit conversion rules are quite complicated. For now it is sufficient for us to know that:
    • the explicit keyword prohibits implicit conversion to integers. int y = optional<int>{}; will not compile. Without the explicit this expression would compile.
    • bool y = optional<int>{} won’t compile either, but this should be fine, as such a line of code would be quite odd anyways and quite hard to read.
    • Expressions like if (optional<int>{}) will work. An if expression obviously counts as an explicit conversion to bool.
    • std::optional::operator bool is marked explicit as well.

Please note, that – beside unrestricted unions – the explicit keyword is the second C++11 feature, we are using within our optional.


In this blog post we saw, that pointers and optionals are quite similar. In order to align the interfaces, we overloaded the “coversion to bool” operator, the dereferencing operator and the -> operator.

We will explore the similarities an differences between pointers and optionals even further in an upcoming post.